The ultimate professional boudoir experience in studio

The ultimate professional boudoir experience in studio

THE ULTIMATE PROFESSIONAL BOUDOIR EXPERIENCE IN STUDIO A boudoir shoot doesn’t get much prettier than this. This incredible woman came to visit my studio, and with a sultry and deep voice, continued to tell me her story – which is the sole ( and soul) reason I...
Portfolio shoots done professionally in studio

Portfolio shoots done professionally in studio

PORTFOLIO SHOOTS DONE PROFESSIONALLY IN STUDIO This young girl was pure gold. When she came into my studio for some portfolio shots as a test shoot to perhaps join a modeling agency, I knew I was going to have a blast. Her hair, was the thing I loved most, and she...
The boudoir shoot for any and every woman

The boudoir shoot for any and every woman

THE BOUDOIR SHOOT FOR ANY AND EVERY WOMAN I never feel it should only be the smallest, most toned or fit ladies who book boudoir shoots, and that should visit my studio. It should be anyone who feels they want to experience this type of shoot, as quite frankly –...


PROFESSIONAL PORTFOLIO SHOOTS DONE FOR MODELLING AGENCIES AT THE LOCI STUDIO I am a firm believer in how you can never judge a book by its cover. Even though that might sound super obvious, I have seen so many times how different kinds of people visit my studio, and I...
Creative collaborating at the Loci Photography Studio

Creative collaborating at the Loci Photography Studio

Every now and again it’s amazing to do something creative and different to the norm – getting creative, collaborating at the Loci Photography studio, makes for amazing content. For this shoot, it was after my other sister company, The Nicolassi Brand, worked...
Working with models – some studio shooting

Working with models – some studio shooting

Sometimes you meet nice and beautiful people, and Nicole Wocke is exactly that. She makes for an amazing day shooting. She is so good at posing, it leaves YOU as photographer happy and elated. Working with models I still love, even after some years in the industry....