Shooting at the Pretoria Botanical Gardens

Shooting at the Pretoria Botanical Gardens

Incredible families are what keeps me alive, and I love all of my clients in different ways because their setup are all different, and so many people still trust me with their precious memories, and I still gladly do the work of making it special for them. Shooting at...
Photography services in Pretoria – Couple Photography

Photography services in Pretoria – Couple Photography

When people hear I’m a photographer, they’re always interested in hearing what do I specializes in – or what do I mostly like doing, and that is always a hard question to answer, for me, as I have always liked the various genres that photography gives, and the...
A family shoot in Pretoria – Loci Photography

A family shoot in Pretoria – Loci Photography

For any family, I would go the extra mile. I believe family is special, and at the end of any day, we only have family to fall back on. This family was facing a difficult time, and they booked a family shoot with me at the Pretoria Botanical Gardens – because...